Human Services in Contra Costa County during COVID-19
Our Richmond office at 1305 Macdonald is experiencing intermittent closures due to an air conditioning malfunction & excessively high temperatures in the building. If you need benefit services (for EBT cards, Medi-Cal, CalWORKs, etc.), it is best to check if our Richmond office is open by calling ahead at (510) 942-3622. You may also obtain services at our Hercules or other EHSD offices or online at We apologize for any inconvenience and are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
We are closely monitoring actions by the federal administration and will update our website as accurate information affecting our programs becomes available.
Employment & Human Services
Quick Tips
Update your case quickly:
- Call the Service Center (866.663.3225) early when the queue opens at 8 a.m., Monday-Friday.
Apply for services online:
- - Apply for services, make changes and send documents
Get low-cost Internet
contracting opportunities - work with us!
Housing & Homeless Services
Immigrant Resources & Information
Public Councils & Commission Meetings
Employment & Human Services
Building brighter futures together

The children in our community thrive on guidance and stability. At EHSD, we are proud to be able to provide that to them, along with your help.

We proudly help connect jobseekers with businesses and gainful employment, and we specialize in working with youth and the formerly incarcerated.

Protecting and caretaking the people who have built Contra Costa County to be what it is today is a goal we hold in high regard.

From early childhood education to nutritional services, we are proud to offer services to fit all of your employment and human services needs.

Working together with other government organizations, we strive to end all forms of violent abuse in Contra Costa County.

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What's New at EHSD
Contra Costa County Employment & Human Services
Here to Help You
At EHSD, we are so much more than just Contra Costa County’s Department of Human Services - we are your friends, neighbors, and confidants, here to help you live a healthy and happy life. Our team of highly skilled social workers and employees have dedicated their lives and careers toward helping our fellow community members. We work tirelessly to do everything we possibly can, because we truly care. Call us today to enlist our help or to become a part of our team. We look forward to being an asset to you.