General Assistance
GA is cash assistance for low- or no-income adults without dependent children and emancipated minors. If you're looking for information about eligibility and ways to apply, you've come to the right place.
What is General Assistance?
The maximum cash grant for a single employable person on GA is $336 per month and $454 per month for an employable couple. However, grant amounts vary according to the number of people in the household, income, and the employability status of the recipient so not every recipient of GA benefits receives the maximum aid amount.
- Financial support
- CalFresh
- Medi-Cal
- Shelter referrals and housing assistance
- A U.S. citizen or non-citizen legally in the country with no limitation on your stay;
- A resident of Contra Costa County for at least 15 days; and
- An adult without dependent children
- Applicants and recipients who are unemployable and/or 65 years and older are required to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits through the Social Security Administration. Visit the SSI advocacy page for more information on SSI application assistance.
- Legal non-citizens 65 years and older who meet certain residency requirements must apply for benefits through the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)
Time Limits
Ways to Apply for General Assistance (GA)
- Coming into a EHSD office Monday - Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- Visiting BenefitsCal to submit an online application, required verifications, and most GA forms.
- Calling the EHSD toll free line (866)-663-3225 or (925) 957-5648 to reach staff to apply for GA.
- Mailing:
Contra Costa County
PO Box 4114
Concord, CA 94524-9700
What Happens Next
- Photo Identification
- Proof of income and resources
- Information of citizenship status or legal immigration status
- Social Security Number
- Complete GA application
How to Submit Verifications and Forms
Using Your Benefits
- Visiting the CardHolder Portal
- Calling 1-877-328-9677
Keeping your Benefits
Quarterly Report
Individuals can submit GA QR7 forms:
- In person by dropping them off to a Contra Costa County Social Employment and Human Services District office.
PO BOX 114
Concord, CA 94524-4114
Redetermination (RRR)
You are required to complete a redetermination every year, which includes completing an interview with an eligibility worker and submitting all redetermination forms and required verifications.
You can submit required verifications and most GA redetermination application forms online via BenefitsCal.
- In person by dropping them off to a Employment and Human Services District office.
- By Mail
- Any changes in income
- Anytime you have any change that may affect your eligibility
How to Report Change
Online: You can submit reports of changes online via BenefitsCal.
Or you can also use Adobe Sign Adobe Acrobat Sign Login — Sign in to your e-signature account (echosign.com) to email them to your GA Intake worker once you have an appointment scheduled.
By Phone: You can call 925-655-0990 to report any changes.
By Mail: You can submit any forms or verifications to CMU at the address listed below in the contact section.
What is General Assistance?
General Assistance (GA) is the county-funded program established by the State Welfare and Institutions Code for the purpose of aiding adults who are legal residents of Contra Costa County who have no other means of support and are ineligible for federal or state-funded cash that is locally administered and funded by the County of Contra Costa County.
The maximum cash grant for a single employable person on GA is $336 per month and $454 per month for an employable couple. However, grant amounts vary according to the number of people in the household, income, and the employability status of the recipient so not every recipient of GA benefits receives the maximum aid amount.
- Financial support
- CalFresh
- Medi-Cal
- Shelter referrals and housing assistance
- A U.S. citizen or non-citizen legally in the country with no limitation on your stay;
- A resident of Contra Costa County for at least 15 days; and
- An adult without dependent children
- Applicants and recipients who are unemployable and/or 65 years and older are required to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits through the Social Security Administration. Visit the SSI advocacy page for more information on SSI application assistance.
- Legal non-citizens 65 years and older who meet certain residency requirements must apply for benefits through the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)
Time Limits
Ways to Apply for General Assistance (GA)
Individuals may apply by:
East County |
Central County |
West County |
4545 Delta Fair Boulevard |
400 Ellinwood Way |
1305 Macdonald Avenue |
- Visiting BenefitsCal to submit an online application, required verifications, and most GA forms.
- Calling the EHSD toll free line 866-663-3225 or (925) 957-5648 to reach staff to apply for GA.
- Mailing:
Contra Costa County
PO Box 4114
Concord, CA 94524-9700
What Happens Next
- Photo Identification
- Proof of income and resources
- Information of citizenship status or legal immigration status
- Social Security Number
- Complete GA application
How to Submit Verifications and Forms
Using Your Benefits
- Visiting the CardHolder Portal
- Calling 1-877-328-9677
Keeping your Benefits
Quarterly Report
Individuals can submit GA QR7 forms:
- In person by dropping them off to a Contra Costa County Social Employment and Human Services District office.
Redetermination (RRR)
You are required to complete a redetermination every year, which includes completing an interview with an eligibility worker and submitting all redetermination forms and required verifications.
You can submit required verifications and most GA redetermination application forms online via BenefitsCal.
- In person by dropping them off to a Employment and Human Services District office.
- By Mail
- Any changes in income
- Anytime you have any change that may affect your eligibility
How to Report Change
Online: You can submit reports of changes online via BenefitsCal.
Or you can also use Adobe Sign Adobe Acrobat Sign Login — Sign in to your e-signature account (echosign.com) to email them to your GA Intake worker once you have an appointment scheduled.
By Phone: You can call 925-655-0990 to report any changes.
By Mail: You can submit any forms or verifications to CMU at the address listed above.
Below are some important forms you may need to provide to your GA worker as part of you GA Intake and to continue to receive GA benefits.
Blank Forms are also available at EHSD district offices.
The following forms need to be completed every month in order to determine if there is ongoing homelessness and continue to receive ongoing monthly homeless assistance.
The following forms need to be completed every month in order to determine if there is ongoing homelessness and continue to receive ongoing monthly homeless assistance.
East County
Central County
West County
1305 Macdonald Avenue
Richmond, CA 94801
PO BOX 114
Concord, CA 94524-4114
Other Programs
- In Person
- By Phone
Call the GA Line at 925-957-5647 to request to apply for CAPI
- By Mail
Daly City, CA 94015
- By Fax
Fax the completed SOC 841 application to:
attention San Mateo CAPI Unit
More Information:
You can get recorded information 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays, by calling CAPI’s toll-free number, (800) 648-0954.To be eligible for CAPI, you must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:
- Be a California resident;
- Be age 65 or over, blind, or disabled;
- Be a non-citizen and meet the immigration status criteria in effect for SSI/SSP as of 08/21/96;
- Be ineligible for SSI/SSP solely due to your immigration status. This means you must apply for SSI/SSP and submit proof of your ineligibility from the Social Security Administration;
- Have resources below the allowable limits of $2,000 for an individual or $3,000 for a couple; and
- Have income less than the CAPI payment standards.
- A United States (U. S.) Citizen;
- A resident of a public institution for at least 30 consecutive days;
- A fleeing felon/parole violator; or
- Outside of California for at least 30 consecutive days.
The Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP) provides eligible non-citizen victims of human trafficking, domestic violence and other serious crimes services such as cash assistance, food benefits, employment and social services. Benefits and services are modeled after the Refugee Resettlement Program which follow the same grant amounts, structure and time frames as Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and CalWORKs.
- Adult literacy programs
- Rehabilitation services
- Substance abuse programs and treatment referrals
- Mental Health Resources