The Information & Assistance (I&A) helpline is a program of Contra Costa County’s Employment & Human Services Department. Seniors, adults with disabilities, and caregivers may call I&A to speak with knowledgeable social workers to get information, referrals to other services, and assistance with solving problems.
I&A Social Workers will listen to your needs, and provide information and referrals to community services that may be able to assist you. We will follow-up to see if your needs were met and if you require additional help. Interpreters are available to assist you in any language.
The services of I&A are free. However some of the services we refer people to do have eligibility criteria and costs.
Click here to view a list of Community Resources
What types of information and services can I & A provide?
- Support groups for caregivers of seniors or disabled adults
- Information on health issues related to aging
- Housing resource listings, including low-cost housing
- Information on special transportation services
- Emergency food resources and nutrition sites
- Resources to help with utility payments
- Employment and/or volunteer opportunities
- Resources for hiring in-home help
- Resources for Adult Day Care for caregiver respite
- Medicare counseling referrals
- Resources for emergency response systems and disaster preparedness
- Resources for government and veterans’ benefits programs
Contact Information & Assistance
Landlines in Contra Costa, call toll free (800) 510-2020
Cell phones or outside Contra Costa, call (925) 229-8434
For people with communication disabilities, please use relay service by dialing 711.
Email: [email protected]
You have the right to make your voice heard if you have a concern or complaint about I&A. Please submit you concern by mail or email. You may also call I&A to speak with the Program Supervisor.