Family & Children’s Trust Fund (FACT)
FACT Committee Seeks Applicants
FACT is seeking applicants to fill two At-Large Community Representative seats: Education/School Representative and Mental Health. The applicants should be committed to mitigating the risk of child abuse and promoting the safety and well-being of children and families in our community.
FACT makes funding recommendations to the County on the allocation of specific funds for the prevention of treatment of child abuse and neglect for families and children. The Committee meets monthly. See full details below.
Recruitment will continue until the seats are filled.
How to Apply
Applications are available from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at (925) 655-2000 or online via the County Website.
Completed applications can be submitted online, emailed to ClerkoftheBoard @cob.cccounty.us or mailed to the Clerk of the Board, 1025 Escobar Street 1st Floor, Martinez, CA. 94553.
Family and Children’s Trust (FACT) Committee
The Family and Children’s Trust Committee (FACT) was established in 1985 by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to make funding recommendations on the allocation of specific funds for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect and supportive services for families and children. Funding for FACT supported projects derived from federal and state program legislation, and donations to the County’s Family and Children’s Trust Fund.
Every three years, the members of the FACT Committee establish a series of county priorities for the use of these funds through review of existing data and reports and by holding Public Hearings in various areas of the county. The Committee then develops a competitive bidding process to select non-profit, community-based agencies that can best provide the services determined to be most important. Program recommendations are made to the Board of Supervisors which makes the final funding decisions. The Committee continues to evaluate these funded programs to ensure continued provision of quality service and achievement of stated goals.
Programs currently being supported include countywide parenting classes, therapeutic day care for emotionally disturbed children, treatment for families, young children and teens with both substance abuse and child abuse issues, services for homeless families, and projects to support children whose mothers have been victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Members of the FACT Committee include residents with expertise in children’s issues, education, law, non-profit agency management, public health, and program research/evaluation. Committee meetings are held on the first Monday of the month at 9:30 AM in central Martinez.
For more information about the Family and Children’s Trust Committee, or to make donations to the tax-exempt Trust Fund, contact the FACT staff at (925) 608-4943.