Excellence in all we do…

Our Vision
Contra Costa County will continue to be a thriving community where all individuals and families can be healthy, safe, secure and self-sufficient.
Our Mission
Employment and Human Services (EHSD) partners with the community to deliver quality services to ensure access to resources that support, protect, and empower individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency.
Our Core Values
Promote Organizational Excellence: We value our staff and encourage all to do their best work. We provide an environment that encourages wellness and work-life balance.
Deliver Exceptional Customer Experience: We are customer driven, responsive, and respectful. We stand for dignity for all, working to ensure everyone reaches their full potential.

Openly Communicate: We are transparent, honest, respectful, and assume positive intent in all communication. We actively listen to our customers, responding to their feedback, questions and needs.
Embrace Change: We embrace change as an opportunity to improve and provide excellent services to our customers and deepen our partnerships with community providers. We look to innovation and technology as an important avenue for change and strive to remain curious and strategic in all we do.

Practice Ethical Behavior: We value integrity and honesty in all our interactions. We hold ourselves accountable for exemplary work by all.
Respect Diversity: We honor individual differences, value inclusion, and equity for all.