Quick Tips

Update your case quickly:

  • Call the Service Center (866.663.3225) early when the queue opens at 8 a.m., Monday-Friday.
  • Apply for services online:

Keep Your Medi-Cal Coverage!

Update your information so Medi-Cal can reach you when it’s time to renew. You will get a letter in the mail that tells you if your Medi-Cal was renewed automatically or if the County needs more information. If you receive a renewal packet or a notice asking for more information, you may submit it by mail, phone, in person, or online. For more information or to sign up for email and text alerts, visit KeepMediCalCoverage.org.

Medi-Cal Renewal Scam Alert

The Department of Health Care Services (DCHS) has received reports that scammers and bad actors are contacting Medi-Cal members to require a fee to apply for or renew their Medi-Cal.
Contra Costa County and the State of California will never require payment in the Medi-Cal application or renewal process.
Please be alert for potentially fraudulent calls and suspected Medi-Cal fraud, and report these incidents to DHCS by emailing fraud@dhcs.ca.gov.

Alerta de Estafas de Medi-Cal Renovación

El Departamento de Servicios de Atención Médica (DHCS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha recibido informes que hay estafadores y personas haciéndose pasar por representantes de Medi-Cal y que están pidiendo tarifa/pago por ayudar a personas con su solicitud o renovación de solicitud de Medi-Cal.
El Condado de Contra Costa y el estado de California nunca requiere pago por ayudarles con la solicitud o renovación de Medi-Cal.
Por favor, estén al pendiente ante posibles estafas, y cualquier estafa potencial o conocida, reporten por correo electrónico al fraud@dhcs.ca.gov.
Learn About BenefitsCal
Learn How to Request an EBT Card

Watch how-to videos to learn about using BenefitsCal:

How to create an account

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How to apply for benefits

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Learn How to Request an EBT Card