Welcome to the Contra Costa County Advisory Council on Aging (ACOA) webpage and thank you for taking the time to visit. As President of the ACOA, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about the Council.
The Contra Costa County ACOA is an engaged group of county residents interested in helping improve the quality of life for older adults in and around Contra Costa County. We are here to help.
The Advisory Council on Aging provides leadership and advocacy on behalf of older persons and serves as a channel of communication and information on aging issues. In collaboration with the Area Agency on Aging, the Council provides a means for countywide planning, cooperation and coordination to improve and develop services and opportunities for older residents of this county.
Our mission, in part, is to advocate for programs, legislation, and policies that are important to the older adult community and to educate and inform the community as to what various county non-profit and governmental organizations have to offer. We play an advisory role to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on issues relevant to older adults. Click the link below to view many of the important programs and resources available to older adults in Contra Costa County:
Contra Costa County Community Resources
The ACOA includes work groups that focus on transportation, health, housing, legislative advocacy, technology, elder abuse, and nutrition. In addition to work group participation, ACOA council members engage in a host of volunteer opportunities and programs that are vital to our older adult community at the city, county and state levels.
Our ACOA council members come from diverse backgrounds with remarkably broad life experiences. We find that our diversity, experience, and willingness to pitch in and work cooperatively make the ACOA much more effective. If this sounds like the kind of group you would like to be a part of, we encourage you to attend meetings, participate in any of our work groups, and/or join the ACOA, as a member-at-large or as a representative of your city.
We hope you use this web site to learn about and take advantage of the many important programs and services available to our older adult community and we hope you will consider becoming an active and engaged participant in the Advisory Council on Aging.
Thank you for your interest,
Jim Donnelly, ACOA President
The ACOA redesigned their Be A Good Neighbor flyer to encourage neighbors to check on their older neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to Apply for Membership

Application to Serve on the ACOA
All memberships are by final appointment of the Board of Supervisors. Membership categories and procedures for application are as follows:
Local Committee Seats
Committees on aging/cities (19 seats): By city or local committee appointment. Download and complete an application; submit a copy to your local city clerk or committee on aging.
Member At Large Seats
Members-at-Large (20 seats): By application to the ACOA and interview. Download, complete and submit an original copy of the official application following the directions listed on the application.
Nutrition Project Council Seat
Nutrition Council Representation (1 seat): By application / appointment; appointee serves the Board of Directors of the Contra Costa County Meals on Wheels program as an active board member and ACOA liaison.
To view past or current Agendas, please visit Contra Costa County’s Public Meeting Agenda Center for meeting agendas and information at: Contra Costa County Agenda Center
- Health/Elder Abuse Prevention Workgroup
- Transportation Workgroup (Senior Mobility Action Council)
- Legislative Advocacy Workgroup
- Housing Workgroup
- Technology Workgroup