Becoming A Foster Parent In Contra Costa County
EHSD is looking for caregivers to provide a safe, nurturing place for children. In Contra Costa County, we protect nearly 2,200 children each year who have been abused or neglected. To each child, this may mean leaving behind what they know and are comfortable with.
Who is eligible to become a resource family?
Foster Parents can be married, single, or same gender couples. You may or may not have children of your own. You don’t have to own your own home and you may live in an apartment. Foster Parents come from all ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. To be certified for foster care, you will need to fill out an application and meet the following basic criteria:
- Live in Contra Costa County
- Be at least 18 years old
- Pass a background check
- Be financially stable
- Be willing to attend training and work as a member of the child's Child and Family Team.
- Your home, inside and out, must be safe and in good condition with adequate bedroom space to accommodate all family members, including foster children.
Call our toll free number
(866) 313-7788OR
(925) 655-4230
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