Medi-Cal & Health Coverage Options

Health Care Coverage Information: ENG | ESP

Medi-Cal Renewal Scam Alert

Medi-Cal will never ask for money to turn in a renewal. If you get a call asking for money to complete your renewal, report it. Please call the Medi-Cal fraud hotline at (800) 822-6222.

Alerta de Estafas de Medi-Cal Renovación

El Departamento de Servicios de Atención Médica (DHCS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha recibido informes que hay estafadores y personas haciéndose pasar por representantes de Medi-Cal y que están pidiendo tarifa/pago por ayudar a personas con su solicitud o renovación de solicitud de Medi-Cal. El Condado de Contra Costa y el estado de California nunca requiere pago por ayudarles con la solicitud o renovación de Medi-Cal. Por favor, estén al pendiente ante posibles estafas, y cualquier estafa potencial o conocida, reporten por correo electrónico al [email protected].

Medi-Cal Expansion

Effective January 1, 2024, Medi-Cal is available to anyone who meets the Medi-Cal eligibility criteria, regardless of immigration status. Income limits apply. For more information: Adult-Expansion (

Asset Limit Changes

Effective January 1, 2024, the asset limit is eliminated for all Medi-Cal programs run by the county. If you receive Medi-Cal because you are on SSI/SSP, your Medi-Cal is administered through the Social Security Administration and different rules apply. For more information: Asset Limit Changes for Non-MAGI Medi-Cal
Get help with your active Medi-Cal case
If you are currently receiving Medi-Cal benefits, please call our service center at (866) 663-3225 for assistance. You will be able to talk to a courteous and professional representative who can take care of your Medi-Cal needs. The service center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Anyone who answers the toll free line will help you immediately with things such as:
  • Reporting Medi-Cal changes (such as a new address, income, newborn, etc.)
  • Questions about your benefits
  • Assistance with completing forms
Having your Medi-Cal Case Number or Social Security Number available will help the representative serve you more quickly.
During the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), Medi-Cal beneficiaries have stayed enrolled in the program. If your contact information or household circumstances have changed, please update your information today by contacting us at: (866) 663-3225,, or to report changes. This may help you keep your Medi-Cal coverage after the end of the COVID-19 PHE.

Medi-Cal and Health Care Options:

The Employment & Human Services Department (EHSD) enrolls customers into an available health care option in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. Staff at EHSD can enroll customers into a health care program, including Medi-Cal or subsidized health coverage plans. Subsidized or unsubsidized health coverage plans are purchased through California’s health coverage marketplace, Covered California.

Health Coverage Options


    Expanded Medi-Cal is also known as Modified Gross Adjusted Income (MAGI). Eligibility includes the non-disabled, non-elderly, childless adult population up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Household income will be calculated using MAGI, which is the adjusted gross income as defined on household income tax returns. There is no asset/property test for MAGI households. For more information, please visit the EHSD Health Care Website.


    The Non-Expanded Medi-Cal population includes the aged, blind, and disabled, long-term care, medically needy, and individuals deemed eligible for Medi-Cal as a result of other programs such as CalWORKs, Adoption Assistance Program, or foster care. Non-Expanded Medi-Cal eligibility will remain subject to the asset/property test.


    The State’s Health Coverage Exchange, known as Covered California, will offer four different health plan levels – platinum, gold, silver or bronze.  The four levels are distinct in premium cost and benefit levels. All levels provide the minimum essential coverage required by the Affordable Care Act. Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC) are available to help offset the cost of health insurance for families whose modified adjusted gross income is under 400% FPL. The insurance companies that will be available in Contra Costa County are Blue Shield, Health Net, and Kaiser Permanente. For more information, please visit Covered California.